Fantasy News – Go Nuts Magazine Launch

Hello Fantasy Followers!

Welcome to our first Fantasy News Broadcast.

Keeping you up to date with the latest news from the enchanted world!


Go Nuts Mag HAS launched!

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Go Nuts Magazine – Violet The Reporter

exclusive interview with

The Town Reporter

Miss Violet is the lead news reporter for The Walnut Express Newspaper and Go Nuts Magazine. Always listening to the radio for potential news worthy stories. Miss Violet  travels by plane, boat or train, to get the latest scoop!

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Meet N.C.Batten

Welcome to my first ‘up close and personal’ blog.  I must be honest I am not comfortable writing about myself, I much prefer to hide behind my characters. However, as I am relativity new to the publishing world, I thought I should provide at least an intro blog, to allow you to get to know me and share what inspires me to write. So here goes…

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Nanny’s Enchanted Tales Collection

Welcome to the first collection of Nanny’s Enchanted Tales Vol. 1

Written by Nanny Dragon, featuring her furry friends, these short bedtime rhymes are great to keep the kids entertained.

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