Violet The Reporter – Sneak Peak

see inside her bedtime rhyme

Here is a snippet of Violet’s book the from the Flower Squirrel Bedtime Rhyme Collection coming soon…

This busy little squirrel, has many stories in her head
For news reports to write, even in her bed!

Planning for the day, Miss Violet writes a list.
of her best reporting leads, for stories with a twist!

She often has to travel, for deadlines to meet.
No matter what the weather, in the cold, the rain, or heat.

Sometimes its breaking news, from these many lands afar,
or small gossip rumors, about a local star.

No matter what the lead or hard to reach places,
Miss Violet is always first, to report on the cases.

Some find her nosey, but others like her style.
As squirrels love to talk, meetings can take a while.

Her reports are in the papers, television and radio,
She is famous throughout the lands, as the reporter in the know!

She works for herself, on the ‘The Walnut Express’.
The squirrel’s local paper…news at its very best!

She proudly folds each paper, with one middle crease.
Ready to sell her stories, for one acorn apiece.

This curious little squirrel, has her nose in the rubble.
Miss Violet; the News Reporter, is ready to report any trouble!

Want to know more about Violet? Then see her Go Nuts Magazine exclusive interview.

flower squirrel bedtime rhyme collection

There is a full collection of Bedtime Rhymes consisting of fifty three Flower Squirrel characters in the making. This series is about the complete township of Flower Squirrels, with each book focusing on a unique character.

Delightfully entertaining and easy to read, they are guaranteed to bring a smile to both reader and listener alike, as the characters and township come to life.

The perfect bedtime books, created to enhance the interaction between parent and child, while preparing for sleepy time.

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