Ferny’s Junior Detective Race – Sneak Peak

see inside hIS bedtime rhyme

Here is a snippet of Ferny’s book the from the Flower Squirrel Bedtime Rhyme Collection coming soon…

Wanting to be ‘Top Detective’, Ferny entered a race today.
With his inspector kit all packed, he is set and on his way!

The winner is the first to find, the entrance to Floral Town. 
Using site, sound, and smell, through tunnels underground.

Flag is waved and the race has started! Ferny has already found a track. 
Leading to a wizard’s sign: “Wrong way – you must go back!”

So back down he went, with a magnifying glass this time,
to follow a glitter trail, leading to a fairy with a sign.

Back down the tunnel he goes, and picks up a smoky scent.
To be greeted by a genie, “Wrong Way” … so off he went.

So again back down he goes, now following a music sound.
It leads to a singing mermaid. But he’s still not in Floral Town.

Suddenly he feels lost, then sees a strange dirt pile.
He uncovers the ‘tunnel map’, after digging for a while.

Wasting no time at all, Ferny began to read the map.
Tip-toeing left and right, avoiding the spying rat.

Finally he discovers a pirate, with a big sign in his hand.
It read…
“You are the winner!
The fastest Detective in the land.”

Ferny bounced with excitement, he had past the ‘Detective Test’.
Not only did he win the race, an inspector badge is for the best.

flower squirrel bedtime rhyme collection

There is a full collection of Bedtime Rhymes consisting of fifty three Flower Squirrel characters in the making. This series is about the complete township of Flower Squirrels, with each book focusing on a unique character.

Delightfully entertaining and easy to read, they are guaranteed to bring a smile to both reader and listener alike, as the characters and township come to life.

The perfect bedtime books, created to enhance the interaction between parent and child, while preparing for sleepy time.

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